Tuesday, March 28, 2006

I Want to Work in the Arts

That's what I want. I know my passions and my talents lie in the arts, especially youth arts, especially promoting them. Give me a job that relates kids to the arts, and I'm a happy happy camper. That's what I want to do with my life! I don't care how, but that's what I want! I don't know if it's what God wants, but I certainly feel an awful strong connection to youth arts programming. It's like if someone were to say, "I want to be a doctor" or a lawyer or a nurse or a youth minister or a business person or whatever else one feels called to do! I KNOW that's where my passions lie, and I think I have the gifts and talents to work in the arts and promote the arts and work with kids and connect kids to the arts. So how do I go about finding a job in that field? I don't know. Has this whole process been a waste? How do I find someone who knows someone who works with kids and the arts? I have no idea. But I feel like that's what I should be doing. I should be trying to find an organization that deals with kids, and the arts. I'd forgotten that one of my gifts is knowing where my gifts, talents, and interests lie, and putting all my energies into THAT instead of relyiing on all this other stuff. When I applied for colleges and for internships and for post-graduate volunteer programs -- I found out pretty quick where my interests were and where I thought I'd fit in the best. I knew it from the get-go, but I still went through the motions. I have yet to do that with this process. Perhaps this renewed sense of discernment and clarity will help energize me towards that end. I guess we'll find out!

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