Friday, March 24, 2006

Retreats and Getting Away

There is just something about retreats and "getting away" that I find incredibly relaxing and fulfilling. I have found that it's an absolute necessity! I can't imagine going months without a retreat. I don't really know how I used to do it! I think during a year of service, when you are living in such close quarters with people you sometimes like and sometimes don't and when you are involved in spiritual faith-related work and searching, it is increasingly more important to make time for yourself, for God, for quiet, for peace, for comfort, for "away", for relaxing, for reenergizing, for recommittment, etc. It doesn't always have to be a religious or faith-based experience, but taking a day just for yourself to do things FOR YOURSELF and to relax and have quiet time JUST FOR YOURSELF is healthy and necessary!

Sometimes I don't think people understand that concept, or sometimes I feel guilty for doing it even if there's no reason for me to feel guilty. Do I think myself better than others because I do take that time? Not everyone believes in its importance the same way I do. I know I can't force it on anyone else, but I also will not stop to take it for myself if I need it. Hence my solitary time on our group retreats, and hence my using a wonderfully opportuned day off to "get away" to my aunt and uncle's lakeside home and spend some quiet time reading, catching up on my daily reflections, and having some wonderful quality family time all by myself, away from my housemates and away from my work and my kids.

It sounds wonderful. I almost wish I was still out there, but one day is really all I needed. :)

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