Thursday, March 16, 2006

The World is My Ocean

The past two weeks have been full of adventure, but not the kind you might think. I spent one week rewriting my resume, and another week researching job possibilities and writing cover letters. The past four days have been spenting finishing, printing, mailing, and emailing approximately 50 cover letters and resumes. I am very excited about all the job possibilities that are out there in Chicago and Minneapolis, and I hope I am able to interview with at least a few of them!

But I am worried. This is the first time I've done the "real job" search before. I got lots of advice on resume and cover letter writing, but some of it came after I had printed and mailed everything. I am worried because a few people thought my resume looked too busy, and I wasn't able to change it. I know my cover letters are good, and the content of my resume is good. But when you are looking for your first REAL job, and even throughout the course of job hunting, you are trying to be 100% professional and you are trying to impress any possible future employer the absolute best you can. And though there is nothing I can do now but wait and pray, I am still worried that I just didn't do it the best I could have. Is that true? No, I don't think so. Sure I could have probably changed a couple things, or maybe waited for some more feedback, but I had a process and a deadline, and by golly if I wasn't almost dead-on that deadline this week!

I know that whatever is meant to happen will happen. I know God has the perfect job in mind for me, and that when the time is right he will make that job known to me. All I can do is be open to whatever comes my way and keep as many possibilities available as I can, and surely God will speak to me eventually. I've been praying throughout the entire process and I will continue to pray that God's will be done daily. I just hope I'm good enough, and although I have been incredibly confident about it, now comes the time of insecurity, second-guessing, regret, and nerves. My whole "I know I am an asset and am qualified and have the passion and have good interviewing and writing skills and can totally get a job" attitude has now turned into, "I hope I didn't screw up too badly or jinx myself at all!" So pray for me. I need the encouragement and support.

I will keep you posted as news progresses. I have already received replies from two of the six online applications (one position was full, would I like to apply for another? and the second said qualified applicants would be contacted in 2-3 weeks to set up an interview). I will begin calling those I snail mailed next week to see if the information reached them safely and to discuss the opportunities available. Keep your fingers crossed! :)

That's it for now. St. Louis continues to treat me well, though I have been very out of touch at St. Vincent's the past few weeks. It's hard to stay busy and committed when there is very little to do and when I have this huge other important project hanging over my head. At least I can go to school and let everything out of my mind for a few hours at a time. I have truly loved being at Cabrini, with all of my kids, especially the little ones. They are so full of love and cuteness, and some days they just make you so proud to see how grown up they are and how much they've learned from you and each other. The older kids are a lot harder to judge, but helping with music class has allowed me time to pursue my passions and get to know them on a much more one-on-one basis. I love going to Cabrini. :)

With this I will sign off. "Rent" and Magical Vinnie Kickers Weekend #2 coming up! My love to you all -- take care!

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