Saturday, March 18, 2006


What can I say? I love this show. I have now seen the theatrical production three times and the movie version once. I can't begin to express how much I love it more and more every time I see it.

Some might call it stereotypical shock value, or stereotypical "torment of the human soul." I, however, see it as a tribute to human dignity and the ability of the human spirit to survive no matter what hand is dealt to us in life. Lyrics such as "Will I lose my dignity / will someone care? / will I wake tomorrow / from this nightmare?" and "I can't control / my destiny / I trust my soul / my only goal / is just to be / there's only now / there's only here / give in to love / or live in fear / no other path / no other way / no day but today" are tributes to the phrase, "Carpe Diem -- Seize the Day!" I heard someone once say they disliked that phrase, and I can't remember why, but it didn't make sense to me. Why shouldn't we try to make the most out of every day we have on earth? Why shouldn't we seize every opportunity we can to live life to the fullest? I guess it depends on how that is done, and what opportunities are presented to us. I don't see "Carpe Diem" as a reason to have sex for sex's purpose, or to rob a bank just because I can, or try drugs because who knows when I'll get another chance. Some people might, but to me, that's not what "Carpe Diem" or any of the lessons in "RENT" are saying. They are saying, in my mind, that we can't be afraid to take chances or risk love, that we can't be afraid to be ourselves or to share our gifts and lives with the world. "Will I lose my dignity" speaks for all of us! Do we treat everyone we meet with dignity? Even the homeless men and women we see on the streets? Even those people who absolutely piss us off and hurt our feelings so much that we ignore them or talk bad about them? Do WE always have dignity? Do we treat ourselves, our spirits, our bodies, our minds, with the dignity we deserve? Do we take care of our bodies, our minds, our spirits or do we let them fall by the wayside, get trashed, get diseased, get dirty and bloated? It's a challenge to both view ourselves and to view those around us with dignity and respect. Otherwise, we'll be living this nightmare for the rest of our lives.

Can I say whether I like the play or the movie better? Of course I can. I like both. I am partial to the theatrical production, but I also appreciate the consistent sound quality and the ability to follow the plotline better in the movie version. Seeing it onstage and having the music rocking out live in your face can't be beat, but the movie is an EXCELLENT way to fill in the gaps and to hear the lyrics a little bit clearer. I recommend seeing both, but I recommend, if you can, seeing the play first, or at least being open to the differences if you see the movie before you see the play. I'm grateful I've been able to see both, especially the live version. Thanks to Clare for accompanying me, and to Teri for the free tickets, despite the drama that ensused when Clare & I gave the tickets we purchased to someone else.

It's been a rough weekend. Between the previously mentioned drama, the high emotions/stress from the job search, and not getting to see Dan & Mal tonight, I am a wreck. Luckily we have kickball tomorrow so I can get physical exercise to let out some of my stress and aggression. I hope I can anyway.

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