Monday, March 27, 2006

Patience is a Virtue

Ever since I've started applying for things -- college, internships, volunteer programs, etc. -- I have always had a handful of things I've applied for and really truly wanted or gone after. I only applied to three colleges, three volunteer programs, and about a little over a dozen internships (of which I interviewed with about 7). Now it's come to the "Real Job Search" and I've sent out 47 cover letters/resumes so far, with another dozen going out this week. I would be happy in many of them. The only thing I know for certain is I would gladly take a Chicago job (or a Milwaukee job) over a Minnesota job any day. But I am applying in all three places because I know I need to keep all my options open. I know that God has a plan for me, and it will be a complete surprise (to some extent). But I'm starting to get nervous and impatient. It has only been two weeks since I mailed the first batch, but I'm still getting antsy. I know this process will be a lesson in patience for me. Would it help if I had a more clear idea what I wanted to do? I don't know.

Some friends know their fields of ministry/work -- nursing, business, pastoral care, teaching, etc. My interests and talents are so much broader than that. I have talents and experience in writing, leadership development, fundraising, volunteer management, event planning and promotion, etc. I would be happy delving into any of those fields, as long as I felt my gifts were being used to the absolute best of my ability. So where will God take me, and what job will he see fit to provide me with? I guess we'll find out. I just wish my patience was a little bit stronger than my impatience. It would make life a lot less stressful.

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