Tuesday, January 09, 2007

"Thanks for being you!"

That's always an awesome sentiment to hear, especially from one's boyfriend.

Of course, it's also nice when it comes from a long-lost friend who admits to being a jerk and overreacting and shutting you out for no real valid reason.

Both of those happened this week, which has really helped put my mind in good spirits.

Can I just say how awesome it is that I have a boyfriend who I can talk to and tell just about ANYTHING to? We had a serious discussion about alcohol use this weekend and it could have taken an ugly personal vendetta-type turn, but it didn't. It was a really sweet moment just curled up watching some random movie with him rubbing my back and us talking about the wedding reception we had just returned from, my discomfort of our dear friend Mike's drinking/behavior, and how we both have very different backgrounds/ideas about drinking. The thing with us, is we can talk openly with each other and not feel like we're being attacked. He very astutely said that he felt he was being yelled at for Mike's behavior, and although that's true to some extent, I also felt that I had some valid concerns about drinking behaviors/habits in general. We were just trying to understand each other, and it was wonderful to be able to do that without pressure or negativity. Neither of us wants to hurt the other or the relationship, so we're going to be honest and communicate but we'll also not just ignore things.

He's so damn cute. He sends the sweetest emails every day, and he even called me at 3am this morning because he fell asleep before we had a chance to talk last night and we make it a point to talk every day. I must have subconsciously known it was him because I didn't even bat an eye when I felt my phone vibrate and glanced at the clock. I just assumed it was him, and I was able to say hi and good night. He also is going to extremes to plan my birthday which is a really nice change from feeling like no one cares about or has time for my birthday (I personally believe people are allowed to be selfish one day out of the year -- their birthdays). We both want to meet each other's family and friends, and we're both trying to respect alone time, friends time, and each other time. Overall, this is a really healthy relationship.

Our good friends Dan and Mal got married this past weekend. That marks wedding #2, but definitely the more fun of the two weddings I've been two in the past two months. Not that Steph and Brian's wasn't fun but I was exhausted (physically and emotionally) and I just couldn't enjoy it the same way I did Dan & Mal's. Plus I've known Dan and Mal a lot longer than Steph & Brian, and at least know them as a couple better than I know Steph & Brian as a couple. It was awesome to see Dan and Mal finally commit to each other after 5 years together. They will make a wonderful couple and family.

This weekend was also wonderful because Sunday evening a good friend from high school who had estranged himself from me over the past year and a half finally came to his senses and emailed an apology to me. The past is in the past, and I am so happy that he emailed. I hope he and I are able to talk soon because I very much miss his friendship and would like to be part of his and his fiancee's life again. Prayer really does work sometimes, even when it seems to take an awfully long time!

One final bit of fun news, or at least something to make you (or me) laugh. Last year at this time I was about to embark on the January retreat with my housemates followed by an overnight excursion with Pat & Bro. Dave to type up the Christmas Program Binder. During that overnight excursion was the "24" premiere. And the best part? I got Bro. Dave hooked at "24" as much as he HATED to admit it! It was awesome. So this weekend I get an email from him saying, "Do you know what's happening next Sunday and Monday night? Maybe if you don't have cable TV you can get your special friend to watch it with you at his place. Maybe you can corrupt him like you did me." Haha, the thing is, Sully already likes "24", but it was quite entertaining anyway. At least for me. You sort of have to know Bro. Dave to fully appreciate this "24" addiction.

Have to go back to work -- Have a great day!

PS: My uncle donated $200 to the school I work at -- how unexpectedly awesome and generous family can be sometimes!

Love y'all.

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