Thursday, January 11, 2007

2007 -- A year of change

2007 is only 11 days old, and already there are major shifts occuring, esp. in the realm of friendships.

One old high school buddy apologized for his purposeful absence over the past couple years and stated a hope that we could be in touch and become friends again. To which I replied, "OF COURSE!"

Another high school buddy who I once thought would be my maid-of-honor emailed and asked me not to be in touch anymore, that I put guilt trips on her for not being in better touch with me. While that may or may not be true, the fact is that she never emails or calls, and when I let her know I'm going to be in town for a week or a month and she makes no effort to hang out or even call to say she can't hang out or call just to say hi, that tells me that our friendship isn't important to her. Oh well, at least she was able to air her feelings and I was able to air mine, and we can just let it go. But it is sad nonetheless. (The best part is these two emails occured within 3-4 days of each other).

My GVV housemates are all doing their own thing -- I haven't talked to Suzette since before Christmas, and I'm not sure when I'll see her or Christy next. Clare and I have chatted a few times, and I will hopefully get to see her when she comes up to Chicago in a week. Erica and I will hopefully chat this weekend. Annie and Nelson are, well, Annie and Nelson. Nelson did stop by the GVV house when I was down there in December, but sadly our paths didn't cross. It meant a lot that he tried though! I still talk to various STL people off and on -- Jim & Geri sometimes, Eric, Betsy, Maureen, Ali, Monica, Sr. Jackie -- even got an email from Bro. Dave Berning this week! It's just interesting that something that was so intensely part of my life last year has become a more passive part of my life.

My college friends are continually becoming a larger and larger part of my life. Things are settling down now after the holidays and wedding #2, and the next wedding I have isn't until March. I will be able to spend more time with Steph and Brian, Dan and Mal, and Katie Rock once everyone gets back into town. Sully and I are doing fantastically well, and I have been able to meet some of his friends and spend some time with his sister/parents/family. We enjoy doing things together and his planning nature means we actually get to DO things as well as just be spontaneous and say "We're hanging out this night, what do we want to do?"

Work is work -- I had a mini break-down last week but this week is going better. Today is a big day, though, and if tonight doesn't go well I will have to search serious personal resevoirs to not get discouraged or overwhelmed. I am worried about sponsorships for Adelante, and I'm worried about recruitment. Tonight is a meeting for parents and staff to discuss recruiting ideas and how people can get involved. I hope that people come, and that I have someone who can help translate b/w Spanish and English, and that we get a good volunteer base. If not, I will at least feel like I tried and can attempt to do the things I want to do, just by myself. At least I will feel like I asked, right? And I will keep asking. I keep remembering the rule -- you'll get the highest response (on average) to any solicitation after the third try.

Well, that's enough reflection on 2007 and today. It's time to get to work. I hope everyone has a wonderful day!

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