Monday, October 02, 2006

Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone

It is one of the hardest things to do. There's something you are incredibly uncomfortable with, something you really dislike doing, and it becomes something you are required to do. Not only that, but it's something that someone will definitely be checking up on you to make sure you've done it. Everyone's got something like that in their lives. For me, it's the "recruiting" aspect of my "Director of Development & Student Recruitment" job here at St. Procopius School.

I don't know why I'm so anti-recruiting. I think part of it is I hate cold calling. I could call Marquette alumni, no problem, because they already had a vested interest in the school (even if they chose not to recognize that). They'd gone to Marquette, they'd lived there, attended class, been involved in things. They knew the streets and the dorms and the academic buildings. They knew the traditions and the circumstances behind the great university. Even if they chose not to make financial contributions over the years for whatever reason, and even if they had negative views of the "Catholic nature" of the school or "political climate" Marquette creates, that doesn't matter because they're still alumni and they're still part of the Marquette family. When it comes to trying to bring new students into this elementary school, it's a lot harder. I have to go to day cares, real estate agents, churches, and libraries in neighborhoods I don't know, praying I don't get lost (not to mention the transportation difficulties -- either driving an unfamiliar car on unfamiliar streets, or taking a bus or taxi or "L" everywhere). I have to go *hoping* that I don't run into an all-Spanish environment (because I don't speak a lick of the language). I have to go hoping that they'll put out my fliers and even if they do, hoping that those fliers actually do some good.

I know I know, pessimism gets you nowhere. I have always been the optimistic person, and I've always been the "go get 'em" girl. But for some reason, I have this MAJOR insecurity and fear of this aspect of my job. If I had someone, ANYONE, to go do this with me, I'd feel a lot happier and more comfortable. At this point, I am just extremely skittish about the whole thing. It's not good. It's very much stressing me out. I guess I just don't know that it'll do any good, handing out all these fliers. But, we'll see right? I mean, there's no harm in trying. I just have to keep telling myself that because I'm a little passive aggressive & totally procrastinating and putting the whole thing off. Come on God, continue kicking me in the butt, it's ok. :)

1 comment:

Klassy Kate said...

Dude, I understand. Cold calling suck diddly ucks and can be so hard. I mean, you feel like you are really trying to sell someone something, no matter the quality (education, etc.). Anywho, did you know the whole Lassiter family and my sort-of, not really, ambiguous S.O. is crashing the STL during the week of Thanksgiving? Oh good times will be had...Kate