Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Completely Distracted :)

Since this is my blog, and very few people know it exists, I can be perfectly bluntly amazingly honest here without being a big gossip.

I am completely distracted today. I have several projects I could/should be working on -- completing 50 scholarship applications that are due tomorrow, beginning to plan my recruitment open house for 11/13, finishing the recruitment packets, getting organized for the Adelante meeting next Monday, etc. However, I can't seem to concentrate, and there are two strong reasons why.

1) Sully and I are dating. Yes, I know it's absolutely insane and crazy to think of me and SULLY together, but that's the way it is! He's amazing, and I'm really enjoying this new aspect to our friendship. He's such an awesome friend -- we've always been able to talk about anything & everything together, from faith to politics to sports to service to books to plays to movies to community living to friends to family to anything & everything under the sun. We've always shared everything with each other with a complete and total naturalness that I've never had with anyone else. I think there was always a physical attraction but I don't think either of us really noticed it until just recently, and when he started thinking of me as more than a friend I could sense it and had to try to wrap my head around it. Luckily, the day I made that deal with God and tucked away/closed the door on one thing is the day I decided to open my heart up to Sully and whatever God had planned for us. And here we are, 11 days later, dating and thoroughly enjoying each other. :) Movies, kisses, dancing on Saturday at the wedding, watching sports, going to bars... we love doing everything together. He's definitely the least complicated, least drama-oriented guy I've ever dated. What a refreshing thing that is! I am so happy with him right now, and I still don't think it's quite hit me that I'm dating SULLY. Sully!! Good grief. :) But I love it.

2) Steph and Brian are getting married on Saturday. OH MY LORD. I can't believe they're getting married on Saturday. I helped with the "Big Move" this past weekend, and that got me super excited for them. I'm also crazy nervous, for them and for me (speech, dressing up nice, being in the spotlight next to Steph on Saturday)... I am going up to Milwaukee tomorrow night for the 4 day affair, and I just can't seem to concentrate on what I'm supposed to do before I leave. Which is bad -- I really need to concentrate on my duties this week! But golly, Stephy's getting married... I love her to death, and I can't believe and can't wait for this weekend to happen! She and Brian will be so happy together, I know this. It's just that big huge adult step, and although I know they're ready for it, I can't even fathom being ready for that kind of committment just yet. I'm still getting used to dating someone seriously again!! But the butterflies and distractions are there, and I'm trying to put them out of my mind so I can do what I need to do before I leave tomorrow.

That's the update -- happiness is contagious and I hope mine spreads to you!

Love & Hugs -- Bri

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