Monday, July 10, 2006

Young and Idealistic

I know I'm young, idealistic, and therefore awfully naive. I'm full of compassion, optimism, and some belief that people are generally good at heart.

When it comes to this job hunting stuff, being all that isn't necessarily the best business-minded thing. How do I tell two people I've only met once that I felt an instant connection that day, that they are the type of people I want to be "when I grow up" and I feel I could learn a lot from them as mentors. How do you ask someone you sought as an employer to be a mentor? Can you? Can you do that and then seek their advice on job searching matters? Can you ask about other agencies/schools that you might be interested in? How does that all work? Because I feel as though they COULD help me, and I would love to seek their advice, but I care about them as people to and want to get to know them personally, and how do I do all that without it seeming insincere or like I'm using them to get a job?

Like I said, I'm young and naive. There's a job opening that's pretty much for my taking if I want it, and I'm not sure I want it. It's basically fundraising/development and student recruitment, for a small Hispanic Catholic elementary school of 220 students. I could do it, but I feel like there's not a lot of guidance or support, and I've been to the neighborhood and am not sure if I would be comfortable or enjoy working there. But how do I know? What if this is what God wants me to do? I don't want the easy way out, but this would certainly not be easy it would just be the first thing that came along. I don't want to walk blindly into something and end up hating it. I want to have something more substantial to walk into if I'm moving to a brand new city.

Lord I don't know what to do. I know God is behind all of this pushing me towards the right thing. I just I could follow his clues, pushings, signs, hints, etc a little bit more closely. Maybe then I'd figure out exactly what the heck I am supposed to be doing, or at least some things I might/should be looking for!

It's all bloody relative isn't it :-P

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