Saturday, July 15, 2006

My sad and pathetic life

I just realized tonight, as I sat and watched tv, read a book, and constantly looked people up on myspace, that I am really sad and pathetic. I haven't held company with anyone my own age (except for a stepbrother who is 5 years my junior) in the two weeks since I left St. Louis! It's amazing what a drag your social life can be when you don't really know anyone back home and you don't want to take the time to meet anyone new because you're in transition and will be leaving soon!

I really need to get a life. I think too much, don't get enough fresh air or exercise (other than the handy treadmill downstairs), and I'm memorizing yet again the summer television schedule. I haven't even been scrapbooking! It's all tv, computers, and books. The occasional cribbage game with Michael, the occasional outing with my family, the occasional trip to the grocery store or Target or Michaels... This is really pathetic.

I am looking forward to my trip to Wisconsin/Chicago/Kansas City. I hope that this job situation sorts itself out by then, so I can at least apartment hunt while I'm in Chi-town. It'll give me something productive to look forward to doing.

Somehow I don't think I'm going to be doing any cleaning while Mom and John are in Alaska.

1 comment:

Klassy Kate said...

You're not sad or pathetic, so stop saying it!! It's just that transitions are always hard. Believe me, especially as someone who has been making transitions every 1-2 years for about 6 years now. But you're going to find your place...finding home takes time:)