Thursday, July 20, 2006

this is why myspace is addicting

Here's the truth: I was never into facebook in college. I hated the concept, I hated the distraction, and I hated the pressure to "fit in" by doing it. I thought it was the stupidest thing and didn't want to waste my time always being on it. So I never did it.

I viewed myspace as the same type of deal. However, Suzette and Annie did it this year, and I figured that it may be a great way to keep in touch with them and other GVV-related peeps after this year was over. Besides, I was bored and was feeling crazy out of touch with tons of people, so I succumbed to the pressure and the "trend" and joined myspace. The cool thing is, I have since gotten back in touch with Circle K graduates, a couple college buddies I don't hardly ever get to talk to, and GET THIS -- my best friend from when I was 4-8 years old!

This girl and I lived next door to each other from the time we were born til the time we both moved away at the beginning of second grade. She's the one who got me into dance -- her sister started so we started. Megan was HELLA better than me, by a million, but we had some fun times together when we were little. The thing is, when we both moved, she had already joined the performing lines at our dance studio. She became the cool popular girl (she was of course pretty and talented) and I became the geek (glasses, not as coordinated, etc.) So, we went our separate ways. We haven't seen each other or spoken in probably 14-15 years? I have oftend wondered about how things have gone for her. She left Dance Shoppe and I didn't know where she went to high school until I came across her picture in a friend's yearbook. I didn't have a clue what she did for college or anything, and I had no idea how her family was doing. But, I found her on myspace and sent her a message saying hi, sending my best wishes, told her I was glad to see she was still dancing because she was always amazing and her ability/passion always inspired me, and asked about her family. I didn't know if she'd respond or not, but I thought what the hell, why not give it a shot! At least she knows she's a good memory to an old friend, and that's not the worst thing in the world. But, see, here's the funny part. SHE WROTE BACK! She said, "this is why I joined myspace!" She said she was shocked and excited to hear from me and even called her mom to tell her! :) lol she told me about her brother and sisters (her sister, who I can only picture as a baby is now a SENIOR in HIGH SCHOOL! I can't even begin to imagine what any of them look like!) and about dancing out in California and moving back to Minnesota. It's amazing what these networking things can do. This meant more to me and put a bigger smile on my face than any other connection I could possibly make through this thing. I mean, seriously, we've always wondered what happened to each other and now here's our chance to find out! I don't ever expect us to be friends again, but it's so cool that we have the chance to reconnect and at least learn about what the other's life has been like since we were 8. She doesn't even know I have a cat or that my parents are divorced, and those have been part of my life's story for EVER! I'm just excited she wrote back. It's pretty kick ass how these things work. If I've learned anything from this, it's that God really DOES open doors, and life really is about destiny and fate. :)

Ok, it's late, I'll admit it. But seriously, how cool is it to know that you're not the only one who wondered whatever happened to someone else? Oh, and speaking of, I recently discovered during some random Googling that the son of my old daycare lady, a boy 4 years my junior whose mission in life at the time was to make MY life miserable, is this incredible sought-after hockey player who rocked the Twin Cities, played on some minor-league summer teams, and is playing Div-1 hockey this fall at a major university. The pictures of this 7-going-on-19 year old is unbelieveable. LOL, if they could see me now...

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