Friday, July 14, 2006


I got offered a job, and I'm not sure if I want it. St. Procopius, a Catholic elementary school in Chicago, offered me a Development & Student Recruitment Director position in its 220-student Hispanic grade school. It has decent pay, freedom and flexibility, and would be working in an environment I learned to love this past year in St. Louis (inner city Catholic elementary school). So what are my hesitations? One, they want me there August 1, which would SO not be happening. The other thing that could be either a positive or a negative is that it would be a one-person show -- I would be the entire Development department, rather than working on a development team. I would work with the pastor and the principal, but pretty much would be in charge of the entire school's development plan myself. That could be an awesome thing, but it could also be a little overwhelming. I'm not sure if I'm ready to take on that kind of project myself. Yes I'd like a challenge, but part of me wants my first job to be in the safety zone of a well-known organization where I might have some opportunity for advancement, AND where I'd have people working with and above me who could teach me a great deal. Do I want to be isolated, working by myself, or do I want to be part of a group environment? Also, there's little room for lateral advancement -- I work this job a couple years, and if I decide it's time for a change, I have to leave the school to get the next level of employment. The school is a Big Shoulders school and I find Big Shoulders to be an awesome organization. However, I don't really know how much direct contact I'd have with BSF or the organizations that give St. Procopius money.

Part of me thinks, "This is a great opportunity to learn and to see what you can do! I know I'd succeed and would do great things for that school" and that same part of me says "Those kids deserve someone to stand up for them and get them money and resources. Other schools have a whole team dedicated to doing just that, and yet this school and these kids might not have anyone if I don't take this job (although they'd find someone else)." I feel like working at this school would continue the Vincentian mission and charism of working for and with the poor, because the kids come from very poor Hispanic families that do not have a lot of opportunity for education.

What would happen if either KIPP or CAWC offered me jobs too? What if they want to meet me and invite me in for second interviews? I suppose I could ask them the likelihood of that under the guise (or not so guise-ish) that I have another offer but am interested in their organizations and would like to know if I have a chance before committing to this job... I could also ask Fr. Tim if it would be alright for me to visit the school, meet him and the principal, and see the general area while I'm in Chicago at the end of July. At that point, if I do have second, in-person interviews with the other two places, I could figure it out and apartment hunt during those three days I have in Chi-town. Ideally, that's what would be awesome to happen. Realistically, I don't know what to expect to happen. Both KIPP and CAWC have missions I believe in, and of course I believe in quality Catholic education, which is what St. Procopius provides.

My gut instinct after the phone chat with Fr. Tim and after he sent me the "job description" was that he seemed unorganized, and didn't have a real solid plan or idea of what he wanted or what I'd be doing. Plus, from the little I know of the area from my visit to Cristo Rey, I don't really know how comfortable I'd be in that neighborhood. I really don't know. I believe gut instincts are important. At the same time, my gut instinct now (which might be biased by the fact that I've actually been offered a position) is that I'd enjoy working at St. Procopius and would not only like but would come to love the work and the kids and the school.

My only question is, if KIPP or CAWC were to offer me a job, would I take one of them over St. Procopius in a heartbeat or would I decide to take St. Procopius instead? And will I constantly be comparing St. Procopius to Cabrini, setting it up to be more than what it can be because I have such a high view and love of Cabrini?

If I could answer those questions, I would know whether or not to take this job. I pray that God guides my heart in this matter.

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