Friday, November 07, 2008

Amused by God

I am amused by God. He really does some funny and interesting things in people's lives. For example, he has put this person in my life, and I'm not entirely sure about the reason yet. All I know is I enjoy this person's company quite a bit. Last night we went out to dinner and over two hours went by before we even realized it. The comfort and ease of conversation was so natural and enjoyable. Discussions ranged from our respective parents' divorces, places we've traveled, our feelings on "soulmates," sports, faith, and of course politics. It was fascinating, and the best part was, even if we differed in some opinions, we didn't just write each other off! We are definitely both intrigued by each other, even if we can't quite put our finger on why. Even the 2 pitchers of margaritas and a chilly walk to find an ATM and a cab didn't take away from the fact that it was one of the best nights I've had in a while!

This is on top of the amazing realizations he's given me through my "Retreat in Daily Life" and the book "Eat, Pray, Love" that I finished reading for the second time last weekend. Things like, "You've got control issues, Groceries (a nickname for the author)" and "Stay put - you asked for roots, and a home, and a solid group of friends and I'm giving that to you in Chicago, so why the hell are you thinking of leaving and starting over AGAIN?" and "I'm not a fundraiser, and THAT'S OKAY!" and "God made me in love, of love, for love, and the gifts he's given me make me special, so screw what anyone else thinks!" It's been really empowering to fight this battle inside myself and with God, and to come out on the other side. I'm not a perfect faith-filled person (and never will be), and I know that I am still on a very long and challenging journey. But the space I'm in right now compared to the space I was in 3 months ago is so drastically different it's incredible! So, praise be to God for helping me get there, and blessings to the many friends (new and old) who have helped make it happen too!

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