Wednesday, December 17, 2008

A Funny Way of Answering Prayers

I used the same phrase for the article I wrote in Company Magazine about my adventures in Australia for World Youth Day. And the phrase is just as appropriate today as it was in July!

A mere 36 hours after I ended a 4-day stretch of intense grieving and sadness and questioning, I had the opportunity to gather together with coworkers and friends to celebrate the holiday season. I forced myself into the holiday spirit... and God did not disappoint! I met a great guy named Nick, and we talked for over three hours at LG's party. He's different from me in so many ways, and different from any other guy I've been interested in before. He's so laidback and easygoing, which would normally drive the type-A personality in me nuts. But after being in a relationship that was so scheduled, so intense, and so combative (for lack of a better word), it's really nice to be interested in someone who just lives life one day at a time, doesn't stress too much about the future, doesn't plan months in advance (as far as I know), and has both intellect and faith that I find appealing. We've gone out once, and talked on the phone a few times. I'm enjoying whatever it is that's going on, and for once I'm not stressing about where it will go (if anywhere). Whatever happens, happens. It's a blessing to have that kind of peace, confidence, and contentment.

Yesterday I received the sacrament of Reconciliation for Advent. Recent reflections during this Retreat in Daily Life have helped me realize that sin is a rejection of God's love. I've spent a goodly amount of time praying about my sinfulness and prayerfully reflecting on my life and the ways in which I through my words, actions, silence, and inactions have rejected God's love. Specific instances with friends, families, significant others, coworkers, and myself have all surfaced. It was a true blessing to realize the grace of the sacrament, to acknowledge those areas of fault in my life, and to realize that I'm already forgiven and have a clean slate. I am excited to start 2009 with said clean slate! It's especially wonderful to have it at the beginning of this "relationship" (or whatever it might be) and to have it going into holiday time with my family and old friends.

The snow came down fast and heavy yesterday - a beautiful wonderland of fluffy white goodness, 4 inches deep. I found it breathtaking and peaceful. I pray that same peace and joy finds each of you this holiday season and into the new year!

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