Tuesday, June 06, 2006

June Blossoms with Gratitude

I am on cloud nine tonight! I have been blessed during this volunteer year to have friends who strengthen and support me in all that I do. I have come out of my shell, can share and vocalize my thoughts and things that are going on in my life, and I no longer feel unqualified for any of the work that I do. I am so proud of myself and so happy to be where I'm at and to be whom I am today.

Can you tell I go to support meetings? :) The Let's Start ladies have given me so much. They are such inspirations for me and my life, to show that no matter what any of us are going through, we can make it through with the power of prayer, the presence of God, and the strength of supportive friends and family. I am especially grateful for Mary & Matthew, two people who are not "Let's Start ladies" as I know them (women, for one, who have been in prison and/or have suffered from drug addictions). Matthew was a SLU student who worked with Let's Start kids throughout this year. Mary was a Dominican novice with a food addiction problem who worked with Learning Club & Let's Start. Both have been amazing supports and wonderful friends in my life this year and I will miss them immensely! Mary got to come say goodbye tonight, which was totally unexpected and wonderful! Many of my favorite ladies came out of the woodwork tonight, and I got many photos to remember them by! :) What a great gift to have a group like this!

I am so excited for my visit to Chicago next week. I am grateful that Bro. Mark got me hooked up on a room so quickly. I am grateful that Toshio & Bro. Mark are willing to help me get to and from O'Hare Airport. I am grateful that DePaul is not that far from downtown and that the el is much more easily navigated than I originally thought. I am grateful that SMDP Waukegan was not just rude, though I am sorry that there was a death in the development director's family (hence why I have not heard anything from them). I am grateful for education, and the possibilities that have arisen to work for and promote education, especially Catholic education. I look forward to the day when I might be able to work for the arts and education, promoting the arts and working to keep the arts in education or find alternative ways for students of ALL backgrounds to experience the arts.

I can't believe there's only 24 days left of the program (not that I'm counting). It's unbelieveable to me that this year that months ago seemed so long is suddenly so short! I have grown so much. As my mom said this weekend, I "have really become a competent young adult who can take care of herself and who knows herself very well." My faith and my compassion and my committment to becoming a voice for those who do not have one is what has changed the most inside me. The Vincentian charism of working for the poor has gotten inside me, like it or not, and I will not feel comfortable or satisfied unless I am doing something that promotes a better life for the poor and underserved. If that means working for an inner-city Catholic school and allowing a diverse population of students the chance to gain a quality education, or working for an after-school program that allows poor children to experience the arts, or whatever it is that I am called to do and end up doing with my life, the poor will NOT be far from my mind or my heart. Jim & Geri would be proud to know that. :)

On that note, I will leave you with one last random thought -- It is VERY IMPORTANT to have regular bowel movements! If you are not pooping at least every other day, SOMETHING IS WRONG! This has been a hot topic in my community over the past couple weeks, but talking to various medical professionals, I have learned that it is true. So, BE AWARE! And, have a good night. :)

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