Saturday, December 19, 2009


Honesty is one of those fascinating concepts. We think telling the truth is important, and is always the best policy (or at least usually, though some would beg to differ thinking that honesty that hurts people might not always be the best thing). Honesty is often easy when it deals with other people and their actions, but it is often much harder to be honest with ourselves and ABOUT ourselves.

I'm discovering this most in relationships with other people - friendships and romance to be exact. Sometimes it's hard to put yourself out there and acknowledge feelings for another person, especially romantic feelings. It's also hard to know how honest to be with friends. How much should you tell them what you think of their actions and behaviors and choices and words etc? I guess a good rule of thumb is to stick to facts. But when it comes to feelings (especially romance) it's hard to know what's fact and what's just interpretation of emotion. Interpretation of personal feelings is where we get into trouble.

This is a short post, because I don't have any answers regarding honesty and truth and what the appropriate actions or rule of thumb really is or should be. But I am open to other people's ideas...

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