Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Advent Reflection - Dec. 3

Scripture: “And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age. “ – Matthew 28:16-19

‘I will be with you, til the end…” This always reminds me of the “Peace I leave with you, my friends, my friends, and I will be with you to the end.” I absolutely feel like God is always with me. If I think about what life would be like with God’s presence, it’s very dreary and scary. I can’t fathom not believing in God. God and my faith are the benchmarks for everything I do, think, say, and believe. All my actions, all my dreams, the things that make me happy, the things that satisfy me, the things that give me peace, where I find my strength – all of these things come from God and from my faith. Without Him, I would be empty and alone, and I would not have meaning in my life.

The Presence of God: Lord, in this time of Advent preparation I open my heart to hear your voice. May I be open to journey with you and be taken into the deepest parts of myself to discover your will.

I am definitely in tune with this reflection right now. I am very much attuned to what God is calling me to do in my work, my relationships, and my faith. I know God is bringing me to a very defining moment in my life – a fork in the road where I must make a choice between two passions and follow through on it. I know what will make me happiest and what will make my life feel the most fulfilled. But I don’t know if this is my time. I know God has a will and a path for me, and I’m watching and waiting for the right sign to take the right step. “I open my heart to hear your voice, Lord.” Please help me take the steps towards greater fulfillment in you.

Freedom: On this day I take the time to be with you God. By slowing down I begin to give you priority.

I am very happy because I am probably the least stressed I’ve been coming into this season ever. I have most of my Christmas shopping taken care of (planned out if not purchased). I have my schedule all set, I won’t be spending obscene amounts of money on social engagements, and I will get to see almost all of my good friends before or during the holidays. I also actually get a full 12 days off for the holidays, which is super exciting. It’s nice having actual vacation time this year. I am also fully totally in love and am thoroughly enjoying spending the season with my boy, his family, my family, and our friends. It’s such a comfort and a joy to be able to be this happy and share this happiness with other people. It really is a freeing thing.

Consciousness: My mind is full of everything I need to do. Give me the knowledge to know how and where you are working and calling me in my life.

It is a very busy time of the year and if you’re not organized and not on top of all your projects, it’s easy to get stressed out. I know this year I feel the least stressed I’ve felt because I’ve planned ahead and because I’ve been through this season before in this time and place. The money, the social engagements, and the expectations are all reasonably set and being adhered to. However, I have to remain consciously open to God’s will working in new, surprising, and spontaneous ways. He is calling me to something right now, I can feel the anticipation of it in my bones, but I have yet to figure out exactly what it is. So I remain open (keeping the light on for God) and am trying to listen for his call.

The Word: We are called to preach not with words, but by our everyday lives, through action. The greatest gift we have is our time. I pray that I may take the time to be with you, God, so I may learn to give time to others, particularly those in need.

I have been trying to make time for others as well as for myself. I am very sad I did not get to see the STL crowd and sharing my service experiences with them on Saturday. I’m also sad I did not get to go to the Charis Service Day and that the MU Service Day is the day I’ll probably be going to Alogonquin to see Steph and Brian (and maybe new baby?) But, I find that I am serving others and living the Gospel in other ways. I will be at the Advent Day of Prayer on Saturday. I am helping with Charis programming meetings (retreat re-design and overall programming). I am giving of my time to new friends in a social and listening ear environment. Giving to those in need does not always mean giving to those who are poor and marginalized (although certainly their needs must be met as well). I feel like this Christmas my giving to those in need means giving to those friends who need a listening ear, a helping hand, or a sense of sanity.

Conversation: Where do I place my energy each day?

My energy is saved for the evening activities this month. I don’t expend a lot during the school day (as I should) because I have so much going on in the evenings that I don’t want to be burnt out, tired, or cranky by the time the evening comes around. Luckily I feel as though things are fairly under control in the workplace, so I am able to put my thoughts and energies elsewhere. I am however also placing a lot of energy into Charis, Christmas, and possible job changes. These may be misguided energies, but they are what they are. I’m not entirely sure that placing my energy into those things is bad, because I feel like God is leading me somewhere with these energies, but I also need to remember that energy must be used for the present as well as the future. I can’t live in the future – it’s too uncertain. I have to live in the present. That’s hard for me sometimes.

Conclusion: Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be. Amen

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