Wednesday, October 10, 2007

It's Time to Move On

When you know, you know.

I am finally ready to move on to a new phase of my life. I am ready to start a find a new job, get a new place to life, and start a new life with a hopefully new spouse. Granted, all of that is still a year or two away, but I am ready. After spring break of next year, I will very likely begin the process of looking for another job. I have no idea when we'll be engaged, but I hope it'll be next year. And I hope that being engaged means that the 08-09 lease on my apartment will be the last one before he and I find a place together.

I am so ready for this. I am ready to move on, towards new friends and new relationships, towards new experiences and new growth, towards developing new talents and new interests, towards a new life.

St. Procopius has been a decent experience all around, and I wouldn't change it because I've learned a lot, but it is not the place for me to stay long-term. It'll be amazing to me that I gave it two full years (well, two full school years anyway). And while I love my apartment quite a bit, I'll be ready to settle down in a house (or condo) with my beloved boy. And while I am enjoying the "just dating" thing, I feel called and ready to be engaged and to be married and to be one part of a whole with a man. I'm ready for the physical, spiritual, and emotional future waiting for me.

I have the ability to be patient, and I will be. Sometimes knowing that change is on the horizon makes it easier to wait and do the best you can until that moment comes. I don't know what will come first, a new job or an engagement ring, but I have no doubt that before 2008 is out I'll be the happy recipient of both!

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