Monday, February 12, 2007

Defying Gravity

The following are lyrics from "Defying Gravity" a song from the musical Wicked. Sully and I saw this show this past Friday night as my birthday present from him. I cried three times during the show, and this was one of the songs I cried during. The other one was the song "For Good" which I've also included. It's amazing how the arts can really relate to your life at times -- that's what I love about live theater. Each day and week I am gaining more clarity and understanding. I feel like I am growing up so much in these months since moving to Chicago, but there are times I also feel still so young and naive. I hope someday the maturing I've done and the naivete I feel will balance each other out, and I'll be able to be that person I want and hope to be! Until then, I'm working on defying gravity ;)


Something has changed within me * Something is not the same * I'm through with playing by the rules * Of someone else's game * Too late for second-guessing * Too late to go back to sleep * It's time to trust my instincts * Close my eyes and leap * It's time to try * Defying gravity * I think I'll try * Defying gravity * And you can't pull me down

I'm through accepting limits * 'Cuz someone says they're so * Some things I cannot change * But 'till I try, I'll never know * Too long I've been afraid of * Losing love - I guess I have lost * Well, if that's love * It comes at much too high a cost * I'd sooner buy * Defying gravity * Kiss me goodbye I'm defying gravity * And you can't pull me down

So if you care to find me * Look to the western sky * As someone told me lately * Ev'ryone deserves the chance to fly * And if I'm flying solo * At least I'm flying free * To those who'd ground me * Take a message back from me * Tell them how I * Am defying gravity! * I'm flying high * Defying gravity!


I've heard it said * That people come into our lives for a reason * Bringing something we must learn * And we are led * To those who help us most to grow * If we let them * And we help them in return * Well, I don't know if I believe that's true * But I know I'm who I am today * Because I knew you

It well may be * That we will never meet again * In this lifetime * So let me say before we part * So much of me * Is made of what I learned from you * You'll be with me * Like a handprint on my heart * And now whatever way our stories end * I know you have re-written mine * By being my friend...

Who can say if I've been * Changed for the better? * I do believe I have been * Changed for the better * Because I knew you... * I have been changed for good.

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