Friday, September 07, 2012

School Update

Today is the last day of my second week of class. This week has been MUCH less overwhelming than last week was. I am settling into a routine, getting used to the reading load, enjoying my classes, and getting to know my classmates better. I even discovered an exercise routine without having to buy a gym membership!

While last week was the week of "Take it easy" and "Easy Does It" and "OH MY GOD I'M IN GRAD SCHOOL I'M SO EXCITED!", this week is the "One day at a time" week. The to-do list of readings, homework, assignments, and other little tasks keeps growing, but I'm aware I can't do it all today or even this week. I've learned over time how to break up big projects into smaller more manageable pieces. I've also learned to recognize what I can and need to accomplish today. There are a lot of things I can postpone to tomorrow, or to some time next week, if I learn how to budget my time wisely. I'm still getting into the rhythm of time management "Grad school style" but it's an easier transition than I expected.

Classes are going really well. I am thoroughly enjoying the discussions in my Community Psychology class about the definition of community and learning to understand the big picture in terms of "context" and how "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts". My art therapy professor (same teacher for both classes) is phenomenal! She's got a lot of energy and challenges us to think outside the box and participate. The readings for those two classes are quick, easy, and understandable. Probably because I'm going into the field, I find them easier to understand and enjoyable to read! We've done art-making activities in all my art therapy classes too, which is AWESOME! My "Biopsychosocial Bases of Health and Dysfunction" class is the only one I didn't have this week because of the holiday. I'm keeping up with the reading and already have plans with my partner next week to work on our group presentation.

This is a boring post today but I wanted to check in and post an update about school. There will be a more people-focused post sometime soon!



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Τhis blog was... hoω do I ѕay it?
Relevant!! Fіnally ӏ haνe found something which helped me.

Ηere is my pаge :: aspirin ec