Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Prayer Written By a Friend

Prayer for Strength to Do Justice (adapted from Psalm 104)

O Lord our God, you are honorable and majestic, surrounded by all good things.
You have stretched out the heavens to cover us,
set the sunbeams on the waters to warm us,
and blown sweet winds to refresh us.
When life feels shaky and everything is uncertain,
you stand by me.
You fill my life with hope.
You make water flow in the oceans,
filling up rivers and springs.
You even make mountains to stop the waters from covering all.
You give grass to the cattle,
sunlight to the trees, seeds for the birds.
Give me also all that I need.
Lord you know I think I need things, money and position,
Help me to see what is truly good:
share with me the provisions for life,
the intimacy of friends and family,
the strength to seek your good,
the power of your Holy Spirit.

When you send forth your Spirit, life is created.
You renew all things from the ground to the living creatures to the skies.
Our prayer is that all things bring you joy, God of love.
Make us part of your work.
Cleanse our hearts from sin into pure love,
Attune our energy to the needy crying out for mercy
Make our soul gentle and full of your justice,
Make our souls firm and full of your compassion.
When I have no answer, send me your wisdom.
For you came and walked with us, teaching, and healing and loving.
Do not stop now but remain with us, teach and heal and love.

Bless you, O, Lord
I will sing to you as long as I have breath
Praise you with all of my being.
Praise you, O, Lord

- Audrey Krumbach

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