Friday, December 15, 2006

Feliz Navidad -- How do you measure a year?

One week until Christmas, and I can hardly believe it! I came to the realization today, as I brought my first gift of the season to school for tonight's White Elephant Exchange in Wilmette, that although not having Secret Santas saves me money it also hinders my ability to get into the spirit of the season sooner! Isn't that crazy? Last year I had THREE secret santas -- one with my housemates, one with the whole Vincentian community, and one at Cabrini. Plus I had Christmas Program week, where I was in the spirit the entire week, AND my Cabrini kids were always doing Christmas-related art projects AND we had Advent reflections every morning. None of that has happened this year, so it's one week before Christmas and I feel like I haven't celebrated or reflected on either Adevent OR Christmas. That is entirely depressing. No wonder it feels so surreal. I miss having people to buy silly little secret gifts for!!

At least most of my Christmas cards are written -- I almost thought I wasn't going to be motivated or have enough time to do that, but I made it happen. I still have to finish a stack tomorrow and/or Sunday and/or late Tuesday night (the only day next week I don't have something the ENTIRE evening). This is the first year I have so many "parties" and stuff -- last night was the Marquette Alumni Christmas party, tonight is Sully's work Christmas party, Monday is the YNPN Holiday Social, Wednesday Sully & I are celebrating Christmas downtown, Thursday we're taking his sister out for her 21st birthday, and then I fly home for the REAL Christmas! It's absolutely insane.

I also wish I could have gone caroling like we did last year -- That community event with Franciscan Connection was awesome and also helped put us all in the Christmas spirit. I did at least get to SEE carolers this year! A group came into Caribou Coffee when I was there with Christy the other night -- very cool, and a good way to end the evening. Of course, the kids singing Feliz Navidad this morning was also super cute and helped put me in the Christmas spirit -- there is nothing like KIDS getting excited about Christmas to get the rest of us in the spirit too.

Of course, the holidays always bring about time of reflection on the previous year. I did a lot of that at Thanksgiving, but this is also a good time to take stock and "measure" my year. Friendships have shifted and changed, some in good ways and some in sad ways. Several people in my life are now engaged, and that's an exciting but definitely challenging life shift. I finished a year of amazing service changed in heart and spirit and direction. I am currently working in a job that I have grown to like and think I am on the path of succeeding in. There are still challenges and much growth to occur there. I moved from St. Louis to Minnesota to Chicago, and have started my "real adult life" which couldn't make me happier! I am in a strong and healthy relationship with a guy who makes me smile as well as makes me think. I'm financially self-sufficient, and that means so much to me. I have dreams, goals, friends, direction, and successes. Things are not perfect, but what I have is good. I am happy and I am blessed. Even in the moments of frustration and anger, I have to remember that.

I pray that the new year continues to bring growth and blessings, to me, you and all of our families and friends. I enjoy writing to this great void of people I don't know, and I hope I continue to be able to do so without too much drama. Have a wonderful Christmas and a joyful new year!!